Commitment to Excellence in the Personal Fitness Field

commitment to excellence in the personal fitness field

commitment to excellence in the personal fitness field

Dear Brian,

Prior to enrolling in the TheissCare training program, I had worked out consistently for a year with several different personal trainers and although I achieved some results, I was disappointed in my progress. I felt that with all the effort I had expended that my results should have been more dramatic. Ultimately, this lack of progress led me to TheissCare.

With this training program, I have been able to achieve in a relatively short period of time some of the fitness goals that I have hoped for.

The trainers are excellent and very knowledgeable as well as interested in each individual. The meal plans are varied, changed frequently and tailored to each person’s likes and dislikes.

Brian is always available to answer any questions or concerns and the office staff is outstanding and helpful.

In closing, thanks again for all of your support and your commitment to excellence in the personal fitness field.

