A Good Attitude and Always Very Motivating

A Good Attitude and Always Very Motivating
Dear Brian,

I want to start out by saying what an amazing staff you have. The trainers are very knowledgeable in what they know as far as training technique and nutrition. They are ready to train with a good attitude and always very motivating. The office staff is always very helpful with scheduling and following up with appointments.

After having a baby 10 months ago I wasn’t quite sure where to start to try and lose those dreadful pounds. But, after starting TheissCare, I’ve felt like I’ve accomplished so much. I now have so much energy and look forward to working out. I’ve even signed a longer contract with TheissCare to keep on going as I didn’t want to stop once my training program was finished.

Thanks so much for your wisdom in executive health and fitness! You guys are great!

