I Lost 12% Body Fat & Approximately 25 Ibs

I Lost 12% Body Fat & Approximately 25 Ibs

Dear Brian,

I just wanted to write this letter so you would truly know just how happy I am with the success I have enjoyed with your training program. When I started your training, my outward appearance was never in question. That is, no one looked at me and said, wow, that guy’s got to get in shape. At 6’4″ and 220 lbs., I looked fairly normal. However, on the inside was a different story. My body fat percentage was 24%. I would get out of breath just thinking about running. And, having a busy professional career, when I got home in the evening to see my family, I would nearly collapse after dinner. I could not even think of keeping up with my four year old.

Just 12 weeks later, I lost 12% body fat, approximately 25Ibs. worth and have the stamina of a teenager. I have changed my eating habits to make it a way of life not a diet and I feel great from early morning to bedtime. Most importantly, the quality of my life has improved and I am spending more quality time with my family. Thank you again for your guidance and the additional decades you have assisted me with adding to my life.

