Decades Beyond What Many Physicians Can Do

Decades Beyond What Many Physicians Can Do

Dear Brian,

How can I ever say thank you enough… and how can I ever thank Bill and Tani for sending you to save my life. When I saw you on that stage I knew there was something wonderful and special about you and I was destined to find out why you were special.

And boy did I ever! You are by far the most knowledgeable, results oriented, up-to-date, detail-oriented, organized, and most effective health consultant I have ever worked with in my life. Ever!

As a health care provider for over 30 years, your program made absolute sense. The fact that you do Pre and Post V02 Testing, Review Medical History, Body Fat analyzes etc. is phenomenal. Your knowledge and insight with respect to symmetrically changing the health of your patients by manipulating their current state of health through nutrition and physical application is beyond words. And to know that you do this for each and every one of us is not only inspiring, but its decades beyond what many physicians can do or even know.

Brian, you once shared with me two statements. I will never forget and they have changed my life ever since. You told me: “That you first have to give your patients what they need before you can give them what they want”. You also told me: “Your patients don’t lack capacity, they simply lack personal knowledge to save themselves”. These two statements will never leave me.

Again, I cannot begin to thank you enough for being the change in the world that you want to see no matter how difficult and challenging this road is. You are a true gift to the world.

From my heart to yours,

