A Disciplined Eating and Exercise Program for Health

A Disciplined Eating and Exercise Program for Health

Dear Brian,

I wanted to commend you on the training program you designed for me. As you may remember I do a tremendous amount of travel, which makes it very difficult to be in a disciplined eating and exercise program. However, the online fitness program you set me up on after spending two dedicated weeks with you has been very rewarding.

I began the training program at 222 lbs. My blood pressure was around 140/90. I just went in for a physical because I am about to celebrate my 54th birthday in a couple of months. I weighed in at 202 lbs. (after breakfast) and my blood pressure was 104/70. The results tell the story. It has only been 4 months and I feel incredible.

My wife, Sue, and I are running together when I am in town. We often get to do our intervals and circuit weight training together. When I am out of town I try to at least get in my running and sometimes even intervals. I will try to take my snack servings with me if it is a short trip and just make good choices on my meals. It is so simple the way you have designed all of it.

As I mentioned to you when I started I have been working out at the gym for 5 years and each year I would gain about 5 lbs. I couldn’t figure it out but you did. I appreciate your very hard work and dedication. All that know you will benefit from that experience. Thank you so very much and feel free to have any one contact me that is interested in TheissCare.

Best regards,
