Kicking My Once ‘Low Butt’ Into High Gear

Kicking My Once 'Low Butt' Into High Gear

Dear Brian

I know this letter is long over due and I ask that you please accept my sincere apologies for the lengthy delay. In the same breath, please know it doesn’t lessen my passion for wanting to write it.

I hope this letter finds you and yours well. Please know I think of you so often, as well as your incredible staff and miss you all. I cannot believe it will be one year this November since experiencing the most life-altering health and fitness regiment ever. As you know, it had always been a dream of mine to be able to participate in one of your fitness programs, but never quite got around to doing so until I found myself in love, engaged and relocating to Chicago, Illinois…leaving behind beautiful California and 20 years of life experiences in its wake. As you know, before my departure, I gifted myself with your six-week program condensed into four weeks. Ironically enough, the timing could not have been better. I was up for the challenge and craved the discipline. Although it was intense, it kept me focused and healthy during a most stressful, yet joyous time in my life. It reaffirmed the importance of taking care of one self and learning to make time for such. I loved every minute of it!

As you know, having been an athlete all of my life, I have always been passionate about fitness, health and nutrition. With that, I have endured my share of injuries. Some of which forever changed my ability to perform activities I once loved (gymnastics, golfing, etc.). However, all of that changed once I trained at TheissCare and learned my true strength and how to train within what I felt were my physical limitations. I’m a changed woman! I’ll forever be grateful. To date, I’m happy to report that I have remained faithful to my fitness regime. The results are incredible. I weigh what I did in my early 20’s. I have gone from size 8/10 to 4/6. I’m physically stronger than I’ve ever been, especially in my upper body. I no longer suffer from bi-lateral chronic shoulder and neck pain as I did for so many years. I’ve learned to enjoy working out in a gym setting again, something I hadn’t done in many, many years. The constant camaraderie is priceless!

In conclusion, I thank you and all of your dynamic trainers for the constant inspiration, motivation and priceless knowledge and for kicking my once ‘low butt’ into high gear. You are all leaders in your profession. I’ve never felt better and I will never go back to living in pain. Thank you for making one of my dreams come true!

Best Regards,
