An Exercise Program for Type 2 Diabetes and a New Life
“Three days after starting the exercise program with you, my blood sugar morning readings were close to normal on the days of the workout.”
“Three days after starting the exercise program with you, my blood sugar morning readings were close to normal on the days of the workout.”
“Dear Brian,
Thank you. At age 54 my vision was acceptance of decline. Month by month more things going wrong with my body. The negative statistical facts of diabetes ever piling up.”
“Long spiral down ever accelerating. I was making my self comfortable with this inevitability. I watched my father die from diabetes. I would, too , and be brave about it.”
“Another client of yours, Elliott, my oldest and dearest friend, knew of my attitude and he wasn’t buying it. He bought your fitness program for me and, as he only can, made it impossible for me to not to come to you. Those of you who know Elliott will understand.
Big deal. I have done weight loss and exercise before — successfully — for a while. What’s the difference here? Energy, interest, focus, transparency, intelligence, empathy, persistence, confidence, positiveness, acceptance, flexibility, joyfulness, friendliness, humor — I don’t know why.
But you do.”
“Three days after starting the workout program with you, my blood sugar morning readings were close to normal on the days of the workout. The readings hadn’t done that for several years despite my belief, albeit deluded, that I was compliant with my diabetic regime.
It is possible to get type 2 diabetes under control with exercise by incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, which can improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, and contribute to overall better management of the condition.
It wasn’t easy. Although I felt ill, dizzy and faint during the initial workouts, with your staff’s kind presence and support, I persisted and after about two weeks, the bad feelings went away.
My weight began to drop, but more surprisingly, I began to shrink horizontally. Excitement. Compliments given. Energy abundant. Amazement. What the hell, muscles! It works, it works, it works!”
“I follow a fairly simple dietary program that you have clearly outlined for me. I do the cardio and weight training that is unambiguously laid out for me. I give you — no, I give myself about an hour or so a day — and, it works.
And I think that I may not be following in my father’s footsteps quite so soon after all.”
And blessings.
“Before coming to TheissCare I was on a downward spiral in regards to blood chemistry and overall health in general. My doctor had diagnosed me with pre-diabetes.
Through the TheissCare program I was able to get my cholesterol lower than it’s ever been. I feel great. I feel like a 20 year old version of myself again. My doctors that diagnosed me with pre-diabetes are just… they can’t really believe we reversed it.
In my opinion, you can’t put a value on TheissCare. It has changed my life and it can do the same for you. I feel so much better. I’m down 40 pounds. I look better. I’m the healthiest version I’ve been of myself and you can too.”
Brian – Motocross Racer
Exercise is a cornerstone of diabetes management due to its profound effects on blood sugar regulation and insulin sensitivity.
Weight loss achieved through regular exercise can contribute to the reversal of diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing insulin resistance.
Here’s how exercise can help reverse type 2 diabetes:
A well-rounded exercise program for those with type 2 diabetes should include a combination of aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
By incorporating a structured exercise program into your daily routine, you can take control of your health, improve your quality of life and reduce your risk of diabetes-related complications.
Before starting an exercise program, individuals with type 2 diabetes should consult with their healthcare provider to ensure it is safe and appropriate for their condition.
Working with a health and wellness consultant when starting an exercise program for diabetes is crucial for personalized guidance, ensuring safety, and optimizing the effectiveness of the regimen to manage blood sugar levels and overall health.
It’s essential to monitor blood sugar levels before, during, and after exercise to prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Adjustments to medication dosages or meal timing may be necessary to accommodate changes in insulin sensitivity and glucose utilization during exercise.
Regular exercise plays a pivotal role in getting blood sugar levels under control if you are living with type 2 diabetes, paving the way for a long and fulfilling life despite the condition.
By engaging in physical activity, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, your body will become more efficient at utilizing insulin, leading to better blood sugar regulation. Exercise also promotes weight management and improves cardiovascular health, reducing your risk of diabetes-related complications.
With diligent adherence to an exercise program, even with type 2 diabetes, you can not only achieve optimal blood sugar control but also enhance your overall well-being, enabling you to live life to the fullest and pursue your passions with vitality and resilience.
With commitment, consistency and guidance from a health and wellness consultant, exercise can be a transformative force in reversing the course of type 2 diabetes and achieving lasting wellness.
Virtual and in-person programs available.
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