Living a Much Healthier Lifestyle Saved My Life
Dear Brian
The impact of the Theiss training program on my life is so profound and huge, I am amazed each and every day. There aren’t enough words, time or money to express my gratitude to you for saving my life and giving me the tools to live a much healthier lifestyle. Before I came to you, I considered myself athletic and extremely healthy, I was proud to say I never got sick. Maybe I caught a cold once every 5 years but that was it. However, for the last 6 years I have struggled with enormous stress, all sorts of mysterious ailments, weight gain, coming to terms with so many things I just couldn’t do anymore, and malaise. And, honestly, these problems had been developing for many years. Deep inside I never believed this was part of the aging process. In fact, last year, I remember saying to my daughter, I am getting old — and then crying about it. I had never said or thought any such thing in my entire life.
I had been to countless doctors and nutritionists. I tried every diet and pill known to man. I played tennis 4 to 5 times a week for 2 to 3 hours at a time, I rode my bike and I walked. I researched the internet and diagnosed myself with all sorts of disorders and diseases to explain what was happening to me. For the last 2 years I ate only whole, organic foods, no fast foods or processed foods. Some people advised me to eat less. Some said I wasn’t eating enough. None of it worked one little bit. There wasn’t anything I wasn’t willing to try to get better. I felt completely out of control of my life and health. I was at the lowest point in my life. The odd thing is that none of the massive amounts of information from doctors, diets, nutritionists or “cures” made any sense to me. Nothing and no one had any effect on my rapidly declining health. I was positive I was dying.
From the first second I met Brian I was 100% certain my life would be forever changed. Every single word Brian said in our interview made perfect and complete sense to me. I can’t say I understood all the complexities Brian explained to me that day but there wasn’t one doubt that Brian was the one person on this planet who was going to change the direction of my life and health. And that is exactly what happened in an incredibly short time.
I ask myself everyday what person wouldn’t want better health than they have had in years and maybe in their entire life. What value and price does each of us place on our health? What would we be willing to commit and what would we give to have the best health of our lives? For me it was very simple — It was easy to commit 100% of myself and all my resources to the online fitness program Brian designed specifically for me. There is only one thing that has been hard for me since beginning my training with Brian. . . containing my excitement and passion for my life today. My desire is to have everyone I meet and everyone I know meet Brian and take the opportunity to change their health and life in the same extraordinary way.
With Love and Gratitude,
Make the Commitment to a Healthier Lifestyle
If this makes sense to you reach out to me today. We can schedule a no obligation consultation to review your current status and recommend a health and wellness plan for you.
You deserve it! Your family deserves it! You owe it to yourself!