Watch the video : At 57 I made incredible gains in muscle and fitness

The following is a transcript of the full interview with Brian Theiss and Bren about his experience with the TheissCare Health and Wellness Program.

Bren – My name is Bren. And I’m a professional Self-Protection Officer. I have the good fortune of being very close friends with Brian Theiss who is the CEO, the Godfather, of TheissCare.

A Soldier 100%

Brian – What an amazing human being Bren is. I first met Bren in Africa and this is just blueprinted in my brain. We’re going into a very secure area and there are hundreds and hundreds of people. I see one guy with his arms out holding hundreds of people back so the caravan I was in could get through safely.

One guy holding 100s of people back!

Bren's life as a soldier took its toll on his body. He had many injuries that Brian and him were able to overcome during his time in the program.

Bren’s life as a soldier took its toll on his body. He had many injuries that Brian and him were able to overcome during his time in the program.

I’ll never forget that! How one guy can control so many people. He just took over. That’s what he does best.

I was first introduced to Bren when he was security for the number one hearing aid company in the world. He was responsible for taking care of the two most precious people on the planet at the time in my opinion. He took that quite seriously. He made sure that everything was going to be perfect for them.

The Other Side of Bren

Brian – Not only was I introduced to him as a no nonsense, get it done, don’t piss him off  kind of guy. But I saw another side of him that I wasn’t expecting. He is the kindest, sweetest, gentlest and loving person on the planet.

When not on the job protecting lives in dangerous places Bren is one of the kindest, sweetest, gentlest, loving human beings on the planet.

When not on the job protecting lives in dangerous places Bren is one of the kindest, sweetest, gentlest, loving human beings on the planet.

But when he’s doing his job, he’s a soldier 100%. Believe me, this guy is a soldier, he’s been in it all and he’s seen it all. The stories he tells are crazy.

Combat Takes Its Toll on the Body

Brian – Being a soldier and doing the extreme missions he did starts to take a toll on the body. Plus, he’s in his 50s and so life is taking its toll and his life’s hard. We are talking handling hundreds of people by himself. You’re talking combat, you’re talking flips and fights, you’re talking all this stuff and it starts to beat-up your body. Well, he started succumbing to all of that.

He also started to succumb in that his diet wasn’t as good as it needed to be. Then he started having some medical types of issues. One of the biggest issues was with his cholesterol and we needed to get that under control. So we had this conversation and he invested in the TheissCare Health and Wellness program.

The TheissCare Program

Bren – What makes TheissCare different and unique from other workout programs for me is its sustainability. It changed me from the inside out you might say. I had a lot of bad habits that I don’t even think about anymore. I’ve lost a little over 30 pounds in about 2 1/2 months. I feel it’s one of the most sustainable programs I’ve ever done.

For anyone trying TheissCare for the first time I think the true value that you get is that personal connection with Brian. He thinks very carefully about the program and the screening of the individual before they take on the program. He mentors them through the program. I think that’s invaluable.

Brian takes a personal one-on-one approach to every client. The program is customized specifically for each client.

Brian takes a personal one-on-one approach to every client. The program is customized specifically for each client.

Brian has 30 plus years experience in the industry. He’s designed most of the concepts himself that he uses. It’s a combination of science, hard work and study over those 30 plus years that the newcomer to the program will benefit from.

It’s All About Health

Brian – The program is all about health and we have to look at it in its totality. We also have to look at the effects of that total. We have to look at the effects of this whole process.

Keep in mind we have over 100 trillion cells in our body and each cell goes through 100,000 chemical reactions and they’re all communicating. We have to understand where we fit in that mix because when things start to go south, one thing doesn’t go south, two things don’t go south, they all go south together.

How many ducks have you ever seen go south for the winter? Has it ever been just one? No, it’s been all of them, right? Our bodies follow the same thing. Go one, go all.

So that’s what we have. We have this situation with this guy who’s dedicated his life to serving the world, professional people and pulling people out of danger where most people won’t go. He’s committed himself to doing that and we are committed to doing that too. We need to understand how he worked on a hole. That’s where the results lie. It’s never just one thing. It never has been and it never will be.

Not Just a Workout Program

Brian – The TheissCare program is not just a workout program. We have to look at their blood pressure, we have to look at diabetes issues, obesity.

Even if we look at what’s happening today with the coronavirus, the people who are suffering from the ill effects, the big ill effects, have the same things in common. Obesity, lung issues or respiratory issues and eating problems. Isn’t that interesting? Think about that one. The people who are surviving are the ones who have all that under control.

Slowing the Aging Process by Not Eating as Much

Brian – Remember, even if we just look at eating, eating is a big process. If we overeat it ages us prematurely but most people aren’t told that. They don’t realize that two bites, three bites, four bites at each meal over a week isn’t so bad. But over 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, 60 years the age of youth loss from that is intense.

That’s why I don’t eat that much. I can simply slow the aging process down by not eating so much. How easy is that?

It’s not that easy for a lot of people because a lot of people aren’t told this. I really believe people are smarter than what the world wants us to think. I also believe they’re not educated properly. They’re not told the fundamental things that it takes for them to be healthy. Once they’re told the fundamentals and shown how they work a lot of these people just take it now on their own. We have 37 years of proof and over 22,000 clients proving it. I trust that science.

Why Your Body Craves Certain Things

Brian – The reason you have your cravings for certain items that you ingest is because your metabolism is geared to pulling that in. Once we reset that and change the order and the information your body will reject those things. You lose desires for them. It’s so profound how effective that is.

I understand how crazy it sounds. Your food could make you not want to eat things that are bad for you because you’re bringing in the right information. Right? It’s not about energy and calories. It’s about information that’s coming from the food that you’re taking in. That information is directing all those cells, all those chemical reactions, like all those ducks that are all flying south together. Remember, come one come all.

The Flexibility and Privacy of the Program

Bren – The flexibility of the TheissCare Health and Wellness program was incredible. When I’m traveling for work Brian was able to accommodate me. There are many, many hours of difference in time between the Middle East and California and Africa and California. He always seems to manage to fit me in somewhere. Brian must work about 24 hours a day. The program was very flexible from that point of view.

Wherever Bren was in the world he and Brian worked out via FaceTime.

Wherever Bren was in the world he and Brian worked out via FaceTime.

I was able to adapt to what I could eat. I never felt I was hungry. I never felt like I was deprived of food. I wasn’t able to stick strictly to a lot of the food plan because of the limitations of what was available to me in the countries that I was in. Brian managed to work the program around what was available to me and I still got all the benefits and the results.

The privacy and exclusiveness of of the problem with regards to time and me personally was incredible. It’s a one to one with me and Brian and whatever space I’m in during the program. Anytime that I’ve had the good fortune to visit Brian’s studio it’s just me in the studio for that hour. When I’m in my hotel room or my home or wherever else I’m doing the program it’s just me and Brian on a one to one. It’s very exclusive. I feel like I’m his only client.

The Results of the TheissCare Program

Brian – The results that Bren was able to experience were life changing. In about a two and a half month period of time he lost 30 pounds which is pretty typical for us.

What we were really proud of and what was life changing for him is we were able to eradicate all the medication and get his cholesterol to normal. We did this by all-natural normal means. This hasn’t been able to be done by his health care professionals for some time.

Injuries Didn’t Stop the Results

Bren – I had incredible results in a short period of time. I carry a lot of injuries so I was really concerned as to how I could workout around those injuries but Brian made it happen.

The physical results Bren received from the program were just as incredible as the mental benefits.

The physical results Bren received from the program were just as incredible as the mental benefits.

Within a very short period of time, within months, I had made incredible gains in muscle, strength and in fitness. It was unbelievable actually. I’m 57 and I remember one day doing a workout. I did a one hour workout and got my heart beat to around 170 beats a minute. I came away from the workout laughing because I would never have imagined that at 57 years of age I could do such a strong workout for a solid hour. It’s just incredible.

The benefits to my physical health from the program have been incredible. For example, yesterday I did a 16 kilometer walk and I ran some of it, I jumped some of it, I did things that at 47 I wasn’t able to do. I’ve received huge, huge gains in all areas from the program.

The Mental Benefits Were Life Changing

Bren – With those physical gains comes a lot of mental gains too. I think better, I think clearer, I am more focused on all the things I need to be thinking about rather than worrying about my health all the time because I was in a lot of pain. Like I mentioned before I’m recovering from a lot of injuries that the program is definitely helping me through.

The TheissCare program has affected me in so many positive ways. I think one of the most positive ways is how it affects me mentally and how I think about things now. I actually look forward to getting old. I’m not worried about it or afraid of it the way I used to be.

I’ve got good quality of life ahead of me. That really affects how I think about things. How I think about the future. The future for me doesn’t end in 10 years when I’m too old to do anything. I feel like I’m starting all over again. The mental impact of that is incredible. I’m looking forward to doing things and thinking about new things. Rather than thinking about retirement I’m thinking about starting all my new projects.

Saving and Changing Lives

Brian – The results that we were able to produce for Bren. Whenever you’re able to change someone’s life or save someone’s life, that is just wonderful. It never gets old. I cry every single time and the impact in my heart, it just literally explodes.

To now watch him take that and see how it’s impacted his life and the decisions that he’s made and his quality of life to go up so profoundly, that never gets old either.

It couldn’t of gone to anybody nicer because this guy is a true soldier. He’s 100% dedicated to every single thing he does. He will take less and give more because he can. I already know and I’ve already seen that you ask of him this much and he gives you that much. And guess what he asked in return? Nothing. Because he’s come from a very good lot. He’s come from a way of life, where what you say and what you do means more than any money could ever be paid to you. Even if it’s a financial loss to you. That’s a real hero.

Sharing the Gift of Health Bren Received

Bren – I’ve witnessed real-life changing results with TheissCare Health and Wellness program, particularly pertaining to my best friend Danny. He is a 31 year Army veteran who became very overweight, has high blood pressure, type two diabetes and some heart issues. He was very close to having a stroke or a heart attack. I introduced him to the program and Brian took him under his wing.

Brian also trained Bren's best friend Danny exclusively over FaceTime. Brian was in California and Danny was in Ireland.

Brian also trained Bren’s best friend Danny exclusively over FaceTime. Brian was in California and Danny was in Ireland.

Danny is now 48 pounds lighter. He’s off most of his medications and hopefully within a couple of months he’ll be off all of his medications. He recently passed his Army fitness test which he has not been able to pass for 10 years.

The Gift of Life

Bren – I have encouraged my nearest and dearest friends and family to engage in the program with TheissCare. I actually paid for the program myself to get them to join up because I am concerned about their health and well-being. Particularly my best friend Danny who was really on the edge health wise. He looked beyond help and his results have been incredible. It was well worth every cent I spent on him. It was like a gift of life to him. I would encourage anybody to do the same.

They joy of being able to give the gift of life to your best friend.

They joy of being able to give the gift of life to your best friend.

I have referred many people to the TheissCare program that are close and dear to me. I really want to save their lives. I want to give them longevity. I want to give them good quality of life. I want to share the gift that I’ve received from the program.  I want them to be part of it.

I would recommend the program to anybody else that I meet along the way. I’m definitely a disciple of Brian’s program and definitely want to spread the word.

Let Us Help You

Helping you is simple… contact us for a complimentary evaluation at 805-813-3280. Believe me, If you are ready for the new you it will be one of the most significant calls of your life.

God Bless and as always, be safe out there!

Watch the video : How I lost weight and got healthy. My life changing experience.

The following is a transcript of the full interview with Brian Theiss and Robert about his experience with the TheissCare Health and Wellness Program.

My name is Robert Florio. I’m an editor and director on the show NCIS Los Angeles.

A Heart Bigger than Space

Brian – Robert is fantastic. Every once in a while you get these incredibly sweet, gentle people. Robert is one of those sweet, gentle people. He’s got a heart bigger than space.

Robert is one of the sweetest, gentlest people you will ever meet. A true gentle giant.

Robert is one of the sweetest, gentlest people you will ever meet. A true gentle giant.

But because his health was so compromised coming in he was unable to express that.

Robert’s Introduction to TheissCare

Brian – It’s interesting, Robert was not only referred by an incredible client of mine, that client was so involved in Robert’s health, so involved in giving him a second chance at life, he not only brought him to me, he paid for the full program.

Robert – I met Brian through a friend. A friend of mine was concerned about me and told me that he thought I needed to see Brian. So he set up an interview for me. I met Brian and this friend is such a good friend, he also paid for my first program. I’ve been with Brian for about six weeks now.

Brian – Even as interesting as that story is, it happens all the time. I’ve had hundreds and hundreds and maybe thousands of clients who’s programs have been purchased by their family members and their best friends.

When Robert came in I could see that good heart. I could see that gentle giant in there. But he had such poor health he couldn’t move forward.

The TheissCare Program

Robert – I wasn’t sure what to expect when I came to TheissCare. I expected, obviously, weight loss. I hoped to build more muscle. I hoped to tighten up some of the flabbiness I have and just be a healthier person.

What Brian had told me originally is that he’s going to make me 10 to 15 years younger. People have started to notice that and they have told me that I really look good. My complexion looks better and healthier. There’s been a whole change that has taken place, a transformation that’s taken place, already with me.

An Individualized Training Program that is Always Progressing

Robert – Brian is the most lovely guy. He’s so sensitive to your needs. He’s not a military drill sergeant telling you what to do. He works with you , is very low key, but he really understands what he’s doing and what he has you doing. He understands the body and what he sees your reaction is. I believe he sees that with each individual differently.

No matter how hard the workout was Robert always had fun.

No matter how hard the workout was Robert always had fun.

He keeps raising the level on me. It kind of maintains the level of pain I go through. That’s the other thing that Brian does, as you work with him, you don’t constantly do the same thing. It’s forever changing. It keeps progressing and keeps pushing you a little more and a little more. You just feel good at the end of each training session even though it’s hard during it. At the end of it you’re so glad you’ve done it. I’m ready to get my day moving and do something for the day. The workout is exhilarating. It’s hard, but you feel great after it.

Working out with Brian, no matter how hard it is, he always makes it fun.

One-on-One Private Training Sessions

Robert – He’s got a great little gym. He’s got multiple pieces of equipment, which I haven’t even gotten to all of them yet. He works with you as an individual, one-on-one for an hour session with nobody else in the gym. All of this equipment is at his beck and call for you to use when you need to use a certain piece of equipment.

Brian works with every client individually in his private gym.

Brian works with every client individually in his private gym.

We bounced around from a lot of machines. There’s nobody else in here to be in our way or make us wait. It’s just all one-on-one in his gym.

The elliptical was the hardest machine for me because I was so overweight it was hard on my legs. I could feel the burn in my legs. What’s good about it though is I really knew where I’m at because of that machine. I had gone skiing with my wife and my son a couple of weeks prior to starting with Brian and I couldn’t even get down the mountain. I had to stop like 10 times to breathe. My legs were burning the same as the elliptical gives me now. I work through it and force my way through it and I can’t wait to go skiing again and see how I do now.

Nutrition Plan

Robert – The nutrition plan is a little challenging I imagine for a lot of people at first. Once you do it for a week though you start understanding it and your body starts reacting to it. Although it starts out a little challenging it’s not as difficult as one would think it would be. Once you get into it, you understand it and your body kind of works with it. I think the nutrition plan is a big part of the whole program.

I like chicken and vegetables so all of that stuff was not a problem for me. You also have to quit drinking coffee, which wasn’t a problem for me because I only had one cup a day. I used to like to have a drink a night but I can’t do that right now. I imagine in another month or so I’ll be able to bring back a cocktail once in a while but that wasn’t too hard for me either.

Life Changing Health and Wellness

Brian – This is what we did with this young man in two and a half months. Not only did we drop 33 pounds of solid fat off his body, it’s changed every single thought.

Robert – It’s been amazing. He’s basically changed my life. He’s taught me how to work out, taught me how to eat. Helped me lose over 25 pounds in six weeks. I feel very healthy and strong and we’re still moving forward.

Robert lost over 25 pounds in 6 weeks.

Robert lost over 25 pounds in 6 weeks.

Brian – Now he comes in, he’s happy, he stands straight up. Guess what else has happened? His heart has gotten even bigger. Now he’s got the ability to do what he does the best and that is to love. That’s to take good care of people on the inside. That’s why I’m so proud of of him. He’s amazing.

Robert – Brian is awesome. I feel great. I have a lot of energy. I have a lot of people complimenting me and telling me how great I look. I used to be pretty large guy and now I’m a little over 25 pounds smaller so I feel great.

The Joy of Saving and Changing Lives

Brian – That’s the best part of my business. Over 31 years of doing this and over 22,000 successful documented cases I have the honor and the ability and the privilege to get to the human side of every single one of these folks. I’m able to pull the best out of them. The best that humanity has given them and that their genetics have given them.

Robert gave Brian his director's chair from the NCIS production. On it he wrote "Dear Brian, thank you for saving and changing my life! With much love, Robert Florio".

Robert gave Brian his directors chair from the NCIS production. On it he wrote “Dear Brian, thank you for saving and changing my life! With much love, Robert Florio”.

That’s why for me, it’s Christmas, every single day with every single client, I love them so much. I could not help them if I could not love them. Honestly, I still haven’t worked in 31 years. I’m loving people and that’s the best part.

Let Us Help You

Helping you is simple… contact us for a complimentary evaluation at 805-813-3280. Believe me, If you are ready for the new you it will be one of the most significant calls of your life.

God Bless and as always, be safe out there!