Weight Loss Success Stories – Inspiration and Motivation

Weight Loss Success Stories : Brian with top weight loss client
This road traveled of weight loss success stories wasn’t traveled alone. From day one to current time, I was blessed with the love and friendship of many. Therefore, I wanted to say thanks to all that have loved and supported not only myself, but also my family and my business. Keep in mind that I could write a whole book on each of these great and wonderful people.
Each one of you, I will take a piece of what you have all given to me, and hold it next to my heart for the rest of my life. You are all great and wonderful mentors, friend and humanitarians and without just one of you my family and business wouldn’t be the same since each one of you have shaped and molded me into the person I am today. Their weight loss success stories are truly inspirational.
Success Story # 1
Your Training Program Saved My Life
“Brian, as you and anyone that really knows me – I am a man of little words. When I was first introduced to you and your program, I thought to myself…’if this kid can produce a fraction of what I’ve been hearing about him, for me, I’d be amused.’ Since I’ve known you over these many years – you have turned my amusement into admiration and respect. You and your program did not impact my life. It actually saved my life. You are truly a man of great action, and it has been my pleasure to watch you save so many other lives. My family and my business all thank you for giving me back my life.”
James F. Little, Chairman/President & CEO, Employers Direct
The sea parted when you came into my life. Isn’t it magical how one little dollar-mailer changed my life forever by bringing you to me. I will never forget the day when you pulled me aside and said that I had developed a very special health and wellness program, and that I needed to double the amount I was charging. And also that I needed to focus on the clients whom would appreciate the health benefits from my services. Not only did you advise me on this next step, but also you took the time to educate and direct me toward a whole new business.
You taught me how trust my own ideas and thoughts, and not to worry about what other thought or said about me. What I appreciate and admire most about you is that you have never been afraid to reprimand me when you saw me going astray. How can I ever thank you enough for the overwhelming support and friendship that you have given to my business, my family, and me? It is important to us that you know that we truly love you, my dear friend.
Success Story # 2
A Truly Life Changing Experience
“Who would have ever guessed that meeting one man could change the rest of my life? Brian Theiss of TheissCare was truly a life changing experience not only for me, for my family and friends. For those of you who are committed to maximizing your life potential and receiving results in 60 days, what it take others to achieve in 1 year!! I recommend TheissCare: I know it sounds too good to be true, but I am walking proof of what the Brian Theiss program can do.”
Drew Donen, professional auctioneer, President/Owner of “Bang The Gavel”
I will never forget the first day I met you. As I opened the door to your Bentley, you preceded to my office with grace and confidence radiating from you. For the full hour, as you sat in front of me, you watched and critiqued my every move and words, without ever being negative. After raising my blood pressure, you looked me in the eye and said: “I will never do your program for myself”.
It took me several years to fully understand why you did do my program. I now realize that you did this for me. Maybe this was your way of giving back to society, by supporting this young kid who was trying so hard to support himself, his business, and his family. I can’t thank you enough for all the love, support, and the incredible people you have brought me over the years. Thank you for giving so much to us without every asking for anything in return, and I mean never asking for anything! We love you from the bottom of our hearts, our friend and family member.
Success Story # 3
Happier, Healthier and Enjoying Life
“I turned 46, and it happened! I started gaining weight and losing my health. But I am a stickler for efficiency, so when Brian told me if I would give him three hours per week, he would give me two more hours per day back: and he did it. I can now do things I haven’t been able to do for decades. I am happier, healthier and enjoy life more. Thank you Brian.”
Greg Mooers, life-coach and motivational speaker
I wish I had met you 20 years ago. The impact you had on my personal life was swift and unexpected, and I still am in the process of truly understanding the long-term effect. You taught me many critical life lessons.
The first was: we can never truly be authentic when we live our lives from the outside in. And lesson number two: living our lives from the inside out is the only way to be a true hero.
I realize these two life lessons will take me the rest of my natural life to learn. But that is OK, since I will have my great friend and mentor to help me walk this hero’s path. I want to thank you from the inside out for all that you have done for me, my family, and business. We all love you so very much.
Success Story # 4
Raising the Bar on My Own Fitness
“I have practiced critical care medicine for over 30 years dealing with many ‘train wrecks’. Several years ago I refocused my medical practice to concentrate on highly personalized proactive health care. Now I concentrate on ‘fixing the tracks’. Evidence based data reveals that 70% of chronic health problems can be prevented. I have come to appreciate the importance of proper nutrition combined with a regular fitness program. The highly personalized fitness approach at TheissCare under the leadership of Brian Theiss is World Class. I am personally thankful to Brian for ‘raising the bar’ on my own fitness level and that of numerous patients.”
Dr. Paul Block, MD. FACP, FCCP
It still amazes me that one man can have such a profound impact on not only the health of so many people, but also on their personal lives. You are truly a man who puts his patients first, and for the past 35 years of practice. I wanted to thank you again for not only taking good care of my clients, but also for believing in my ability to serve my clients with the same care, love, and respect that you do.
I am so pleased to be able to work with you over these many years, and I am truly excited over what we will do together in the future. I have so much more to learn from you, my dear friend. On a personal note, thank you for all that you have done for me, and thank you for bringing me into your family and your heart. From my family to yours, we all love you very much.
Success Story # 5
A “Younger” Older Man
“What you have assembled for me, and many others, is a doable, practical conceptual framework and how to approach health and well-being by integrating a measured and segmented training and exercise program combined with a diet management approach. When followed with a measure of diligence and intensity, this program has enabled me to reach back to my younger years for that sense of vitality that has me eagerly anticipating what I will do in my coming years, as ‘a younger’ older man.”
Dr. David Lacey, Senior VP, research head, Amgen
Boy, were they ever right about you. When I was first told about you, I was told what a wonderful, brilliant person and scientist you are. As I got to know you better I realized that they also left out what a powerful man you are, and also what an exceptional friend you are, too.
What I have learned from you, my dear friend, David, is the knowing that in life’s struggles, if we use our energy correctly, we can change the world in which we live. You are a great and honorable man, and I want to thank you personally for giving so much to so many around the world. Thank you, my dear friend, for what you have given my business, my family and me. I love you very much.
Success Story # 6
Positive Encouragement
“Brian is the most knowledgeable health and fitness consultant I have ever met: not your average health and fitness consultant. Brian’s focus extends to wellness, medical history and current health status, as well as a clients energetic state. His positive encouragement and is happy demeanor only enhances his talents.”
Billy Yamaguchi, celebrity stylist, Feng Shui Beauty
The day I met you, the sun was shining and it continues to shine ever brighter in my heart. Out of all the people whom I have known and worked with through these 30+ years in business, you are the closest that comes to my inner self. When I am in your presence, you instantaneously bring out of me this incredible peace and balance that relaxes me to my core.
Thank you so much for bringing more of my internal energy out so I can help more of those around me. Billy, it is because of what you have given me, that I will be able to help so many more: You are brilliant! I want you to always remember that even though you are the artist and superstar Billy Yamaguchi to the world, you will also be Billy Picasso to me! Thanks for bringing me into you world and your heart.
Success Story # 7
Transforming People
“’We are going to do greatness together!’ These were the very first words that Brian Theiss uttered in our first handshake! His passion, purpose and sincere heartfelt interest in people is legendary, and he shined his light and gift on me form that moment on. It is said that ‘knowledge is power’ but when it is combined with heart, you have a master. Brian embodies this mastery in his expertise in transforming people from overweight, tired and out of shape to glowing beings who are truly empowered. I know, he put me on his program and I am more alive today than I ever have been. I am honored to call him my health advisor and colleague but more importantly, I am blessed to call him my friend.”
Freddie Ravel, #1 recording artist and composer
The man behind the music. The first night we met, I knew there was something special about you. As I got to know you over the years, I understood why you are truly respected and loved by so many, not only in the music industry, but also by everyone around you. You have reinforced in me the knowledge that it is all about the details, and it is up to us to structure the life we want, not only for ourselves, but also for those around us.
Thank you so much for taking my business and my family into your heart. This is truly a great gift. I am so excited about what we will do together in the future, since you are part of the great future of my life. I am excited about the thousands of lives that, together, we will touch. From my family to yours, we love you all.