• Empowering Life’s Possibilities

    Imagine how your life would drastically change if you were 5 to 20 years biologically younger.

    Imagine the possibilities of what you would be able to do.

    Request a Complimentary Evaluation
  • Sustainable Self-Discipline

    Together we are able to control the aging process and fight off Illness, dysfunction, disease progression and yes, premature aging and death.

    Request a Complimentary Evaluation
  • Virtual Training

    You literally don’t have to travel anywhere.

    Imagine that!

    Learn More About Virtual Training
  • Complimentary Evaluation

    What’s an hour of your time worth?

    You’ll experience significant results in 30 days or less.

    Request Your Complimentary Evaluation
Female running on treadmill
3 friends jog down the street in order to take control of their biological aging.
Female running on treadmill

What Our Clients Say

“I’ve seen people go to TheissCare that have injuries. I’ve seen people go to TheissCare that have issues with weight and I see them 2 months later, 3 months later and they are completely transformed.”

Suzy Cameron, Environmental Advocate

“There’s been a whole change that has taken place, a transformation that has taken place already with me. I’ve lost over fifty pounds. I’m off my blood pressure medication. TheissCare is awesome!”

Robert Florio, Editor / Director

“The thing that makes TheissCare different is they really see your future in you. They see the you that you are capable of being. The you that you don’t even know is in there. They are the body whisperers.”

Darren Kavinoky, TV Personality / Attorney

Letters from Our Clients

I Can Sleep Without Back Pain Now

Dear Brian, Thank you so much for working with me and all the challenges I have presented you. Your enthusiasm and encouragement was much appreciated and needed during the "rehab" portion of my training. Now Able to Sleep Without Back…

How I Overcame Drug Addiction with Exercise

Dear Brian, Who would have ever guessed that the training program I fought so much in the beginning would turn out to, not only save, but it would return my life back to me. Rehabilitation Programs Did Not Work Coming from a life time…

I Lost Three Inches Off My Waist and My Gut is Gone

Dear Brian, I have to tell you how much you have rocked my world! Lost Inches Off My Waist and Look Great Over the past two years, I dropped about 20 pounds on my own, but I wasn't happy with how I looked. I wasn't "fat", but I still…

You Are Never Too Old to Take Action and Get Fit

To Whom It May Concern, I have had the privilege and opportunity to train with Brian Theiss over the past three months and I highly recommend him with complete confidence as a personal trainer. A Healthy, Strong, Fit Body at Any Age Brian…

I Lost 12 Pounds of Stubborn Fat in 60 Days

Dear Theiss I am very pleased to be writing a letter of recommendation for TheissCare after losing 12 pounds of fat in 60 days. I have plenty of other reasons why I would highly recommend TheissCare to anyone. How I Lost 12 Pounds of…

Executive Fitness Program Built for Health and Wellness

Dear Mr. Theiss: Being in my mid to late forties, feeling sluggish, weak and overweight, I decided to search for an executive fitness program that would benefit me on my terms. I felt I needed individualized attention, someone to work out…

I Lost 17 Pounds and 60 Inches in a Month

Dear Brian, How can I begin say "thanks" for all you have done for me? I have been overweight almost all of my life and the word "exercise" was my four letter word. I was apprehensive about starting your training program believing there…

How do You THANK Someone Who Just Saved Your Life?

Dear Brian, How do you THANK someone who just saved your life?? Mere words do not seem enough. I cannot begin to express how wonderful it was to meet you in October in Minnesota through Bill. From the moment that we were introduced I…

Personal Trainers Making My Health and Fitness a Priority

Dear Brian, As long as it has taken for me to get this letter to you, I hope you know it is not because I am unhappy with the results of my training; quite the contrary. It is simply procrastination.... nothing else. Making My Health…

7 Week Fitness Plan for a Fit and Healthy Life

Dear Brian, RESULTS - that's what I have achieved in your cutting-edge training program! 7 Week Fitness Plan Changed My Body In under seven weeks I was able to SEE the loss of 8% body fat, three inches off each thigh as well as nearly…

Personalized Fitness Program Exceeded My Expectations

Dear Brian, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate your personalized fitness program. The results that I've attained in your program have been quick and relatively painless. Your trainers are truly…

I Lost Inches From My Waist, Hips, and Thighs

Dear Brian, I am genuinely ecstatic with the results you helped me achieve during my first six-week training program with you and your staff. I have lost inches from my waist, hips, and thighs, developed much more cardiovascular fitness…

Physical Rehabilitation for Our Chronic Conditions

To Whom It May Concern: After spending a great deal of time researching various options for a personal trainer we were fortunate to be referred to Brian Theiss  for the physical rehabilitation that we needed. We had been told that Brian…

Living a Much Healthier Lifestyle Saved My Life

Dear Brian The impact of the Theiss training program on my life is so profound and huge, I am amazed each and every day. There aren't enough words, time or money to express my gratitude to you for saving my life and giving me the tools…

I Cut My Blood Pressure Medication in Half with Exercise

Dear Brian, I had never lifted weights or used weight machines or even exercised on a treadmill before I met you. I hadn't run for 30 years, and when I ran I hated it. I never got that euphoric feeling everyone talked about and craved.…

Can Exercise Lower Blood Pressure? I’m Living Proof

Dear Brian I want to thank you for creating TheissCare so that I could find my way there, to get my self to a healthy life style and lower my blood pressure. Since the beginning I have been so impressed with your care and concern about…

Thanks for Helping Us Change Our Lifestyle

Dear Brian When we first met you, we expressed concern that our unhealthy lifestyle was interfering with our ability to keep up with our four year old son. As a middle-aged executive with a high stress job, Alan was concerned he was too…

Kicking My Once ‘Low Butt’ Into High Gear

Dear Brian I know this letter is long over due and I ask that you please accept my sincere apologies for the lengthy delay. In the same breath, please know it doesn't lessen my passion for wanting to write it. I hope this letter finds…

The Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Exercise Plan

Dear Brian, I wanted to take time to let you know how you and your staff have helped to permanently change my life. After my personal health consultation, you gave me a lot to think about as well as a stack of forms to fill out. The forms…

Being Healthier for the Rest of My Life

Dear Brian, I would like to take this opportunity to express to you my deepest gratitude and appreciation for all that you and your staff have done for me. Being at TheissCare has been more than a fitness training or diet management program…

Words of Wisdom from TheissCare’s Founder

What is Health?

That question’s been here a million years and it’s it’s so interesting. Even though we try to identify health with new terms all the time it really comes back to the basic thing. It is how we’re able to function in the society and environment that we live within

What is a Healthy Lifestyle?

At its foundation it never changes. A healthy lifestyle and a healthy way of being is when you’re organizing your body to reverse the aging process and the disease process within your system. It’s that, that gives us the forward momentum and a healthy lifestyle.

What is the Importance of Physical Fitness?

Our overall physical fitness really just determines how the system as a whole can adapt to all these different stresses that are put upon it. From shopping, from working out, from running down the street to get your child, all of that comes back down to where our physical health is.

TheissCare, LLC | 646-653-5922